Jump Start Wealth
What do you want to achieve in your life?
I believe you are on Earth for a greater purpose than your current situation. You might be comfortable with your job and finances. You might even be doing *really* well. I believe you are capable of even more.
This book is for people who have big dreams. This book is for people who want to make a difference in their lives and those around them.
👉 Begin traveling to awesome places around the globe.
👉 Buy that awesome (not to mention expensive) photography gear.
👉 Invest into local organizations that are feeding the hungry.
Has anyone taught you how to handle money? I had to find out the hard way over the last 10 years. Do you have a few thousand in the bank account and you think you are doing well? What happens when the following all happen in the same week:
1️⃣ It's blistering hot outside and your home A/C broke.
2️⃣ You get into a fender bender and your car needs expensive repairs.
3️⃣ You find out that minor knee pain is a major surgery.
Are you stressed just thinking about these events?
Here's how you solve above challenges:
✅ Buy Jump Start Wealth book
✅ Implement the steps in it
✅ You will overcome life's roadblocks
This book will guide you through each step of what it takes to create wealth. We aren't talking just about money. We are talking about your community, your friends and your family.
Automate Money
First, you'll automate your money. What does that even mean? It means:
✅ Organize your finances.
✅ Having more for fun activities such as travel
✅Change lives of other people.
You might say "I have a few grand in the bank account. I'm fine." OK then break down your entire sum of money into the categories listed below. How much do you *really* have for fun things like travel and those expensive toys, ahem, necessities?

This book will walk you through setting up your budget properly. You could tell your dollars, as if they are your employees, to get jobs and work for you. Warren Buffet automates his money and so should you.
Build Wealth
Next, you'll learn how to start building wealth. We'll cover:
✅ Investing in stocks
✅ Advantages of owning real estate
✅ Running multiple businesses.
That's right, you'll know how to run more than one business at a time. You'll get to decide what works for you and which method you'll want to pursue.

This book covers everything form hands off investing into index funds to starting new business ventures. You also get a FREE BONUS to get you started investing in the stock market! It's all included in the purchase of the book.
Change Lives
The book will become your story. You will have the tools to:
✅ Know you are doing well with finances
✅ Build wealth
✅ Change lives.
You'll learn how to think 10+ years into the future and see potential beyond what this world offers. There's a cost to wealth. All other financial books are too short sighted. They talk about money but not your long term impact on your friends, family and community.
Think BIG. Dream even BIGGER.
Do it now
Have you heard quote "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."? It applies to your finances. Start building wealth and changing lives today. I believe you are capable of great things.

Start now. Click the 👉 "Buy this" button to jump start your wealth today.👇
You can: Automate money. Build wealth. Change lives. Click "Buy this" button now!